Town of Norton Board of Assessors - Request for Sealed Proposals for the Implementation of the Fiscal 2025 Certification Program

The Norton Board of Assessors is seeking sealed proposals for the Implementation of the Fiscal 2025 Certification Program.

Copy of the specifications are available on the Town website,, or at the Assessor’s Office, 70 East Main St., Norton, MA. 02766, Monday through Wednesday between 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM, Thursday  8:30 AM- 7:00 PM  and Friday 8:30 AM-12:30 PM.

Qualified firms are requested to submit sealed proposals in the format outlined in the specifications to the Board of Assessors no later than 10:00 AM, Wednesday, May 8, 2024.

The Town of Norton reserves the right to waive informalities, to accept or reject any and all proposals received, and to award a contract which is deemed to serve the Town’s best interest.